13.06.2023. The Asociación Provincial de Empresarios de Hostelería and Turismo de Lugo (Apehl) and the Isonor group have today formalized the signing of a collaboration agreement between both entities in order to make available to all companies in the sector the possibility of improving their skills through and digitization and presence in social networks.
11.05.2023. Yesterday the natural aesthetics course, organized by the Asociación Española contra el Cáncer de Monforte de Lemos, closed. The southern zone delegation of the Asociación Provincial de Empresarios de Hostelería y Turismo de Lugo (Apehl) collaborated in this initiative by offering its facilities to carry out this training, which was indicated for cancer patients and focused on both treatment as well as disease prevention.
02.05.2023. The Asociación Provincial de Empresarios de Hostelería y Turismo de Lugo (Apehl) announced the data that has been recorded on hotel occupancy in the province of Lugo during the May bank holiday, which indicates that it has increased compared to Easter.
28.04.2023. The Asociación Provincial de Empresarios de Hostelería y Turismo de Lugo (Apehl) addressed the province's municipalities to request the extension of hours by two more hours than the legally established for its associated establishments around the holidays of this month of May.