The tourist-gastronomic guide …E para comer, Lugo was presented in Madrid with a focus on the five senses

The Aphehl presented this noon in Madrid the 17th edition of its guide, with which it aims to jointly promote tourism in the 67 municipalities of the province.

22.01.2025. The event took place at the Galicia stand at the International Tourism Fair (Fitur), which is being held in Madrid, where the president of the Provincial Association of Hospitality and Tourism Entrepreneurs of Lugo (Apehl), Cheché Real, was accompanied by Mauricio Repetto, councilor for the Local Development and Employment area of the Lugo City Council; José Tomé, president of the Lugo Provincial Council, and Javier Arias, delegate of the Xunta in Lugo, who apologized for the delay of the conselleira of Rural Environment of the Xunta de Galicia, María José Gómez, who could not participate in the event due to a setback on the flight she took from Galicia.