The hotel occupation in the province of Lugo during the month of august surpassed an average of the 90 %

The hotel occupation in the province of Lugo during the month of august surpassed an average of the 90 %

01.09.2023. The Asociación Provincial de Empresarios de Hostelería y Turismo de Lugo (Apehl) made public the hotel occupancy data in the province during the month of August, in which an average of 90,3 % occupancy was reached.

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Lugo's restaurateurs can register to participate in the XVIII Lugo Tapas Contest from September 1 to 15

Lugo's restaurateurs can register to participate in the XVIII Lugo Tapas Contest from September 1 to 15
  • The competition will take place from November 3 to 19 and the grand final will be held a week later, on November 24, 25 and 26.


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The stand …E para comer, Lugo one more year with La Vuelta

The stand …E para comer, Lugo one more year with La Vuelta

02.08.2023. The Tourist Office of the Xunta de Galicia in Lugo hosted this morning, as usual, an event in which it was announced that the post .…E para comer, Lugo will be in La Vuelta Ciclista a España for the eleventh year.

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La Fuerza del Norte association present joint proposals to improve tourism in España Verde

La Fuerza del Norte association present joint proposals to improve tourism in España Verde
20.07.2023. La Fuerza del Norte, a platform of the tourism sector formed by associations of hotels and tourism in the provinces of Coruña, Lugo and Pontevedra, in Galicia; Bizcaia and Gipuzkoa, in the País Vasco, Cantabria and Asturias, held a meeting with the candidates of the Partido Popular to the Congress of Deputies and the Senate of these communities to analyze the situation of tourism in these territories that form the España Verde, which has common characteristics and similar problems and difficulties.

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The Arde Lucus is consolidated as a reference festival for the city and the hoteliers of Lugo

The Arde Lucus is consolidated as a reference festival for the city and the hoteliers of Lugo
27.06.2023. The Apehl made public the hotel occupancy data in the city of Lugo during this weekend of Arde Lucus, Festival of International Tourist Interest, as well as assessment of participation and attendance by the people of Lugo and visitors. 
The average occupancy in the establishments of the city reached 80% on Friday and exceeded 90% on Saturday. Some establishments did manage to hang the sign of full.

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