Apehl´s headquarters will host a course of "Development of new businesses: start-up and growth" offering by Centro Superior de Hostelería of Galicia, insides the Plan de Formación para la Excelencia Turística de Galicia.
The president of the Apehl, Cheché Real, made public this afternoon the names of the rewarded in the eighth edition of the Concurso Lugo.
The cooks Iñaki Albistur and Marco Varela, the blogger Rocío Garrido, the journalist Miguel Vila Pernas and Pepe Beiro in representation of the DO Ribeira Sacra, members of the professional jury of the 8º Contest of Samll Portion of Lugo, initiated this afternoon the round of catas in the half of the establishments finalists, accompanied by the president of the Apehl, Cheché Real, and by Ignacio Bouquets, also director of the Association.
27.09.2012. The Provincial Association of Employers of Hospitality industry of Lugo gathered to cooks, journalists and skilled bloggers in gastronomic information and representatives of products of the province with denomination of quality to conform the professional jury of the 8º Contest of Small Portion of Lugo, that goes in these days in the straight final.