Hostelería Lucense´s last number is already in the street

Hostelería Lucense´s last number is already in the street

30.07.2014. The number 17 of Hostelería Lucense, the magazine that Apehl edits, it is arriving these days to all associated establishments and it is doing it filled with activities that the Asociation has devoloped in last months.

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The period to sign up in the X Concurso de Tapas de Lugo opens tomorow

The period to sign up in the X Concurso de Tapas de Lugo opens tomorow

09.07.2014. The period of registration to participate in the X Concurso de Tapas de Lugo opens this Thursday 10 th July. The competition, organized by the Apehl with the sponsorship of Concello de Lugo, will develop from 12 th to 30 th September.

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Children learn to cook with Alejandro Méndez in the Apehl’s summer camp

Children learn to cook with Alejandro Méndez in the Apehl’s summer camp

02.07.2014. The second of the two summer camps organized by Apehl is developing this week. A total of 25 children between six and fourteen years are participating in it.

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The Apehl´s summer camp joins 25 children that learn to cook in a funny way

The Apehl´s summer camp joins 25 children that learn to cook in a funny way

25.06.2014. This Monday it started the first of the two summer camps that the Apehl organized to children between 6 and 14 years old.

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Casa Carballo, Picota and Edulis triumph in Cume Tapas’s technical categories

Casa Carballo, Picota and Edulis triumph in Cume Tapas’s technical categories

17.06.2014. The proffesional jury of the sixth edition of Cume Tapas announced the name of the winners in the technical categories in an event celebrated this afternoon in the Ribeira Sacra Wine Centre.

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