10.09.2012. The new edition of Concurso de Tapas de Lugo, that will give beginning next Friday 14 and will prolong until 30 September, will be remembered for being the most opened edition to the public -that will choose covers it winning- and by the big number of gifts that sortearán, between them a cruise by the Mediterranean.
07.09.2012. The president of the Apehl, Cheché Real, valued this morning in press conference the positive effects of the campaign of promotion of the products of the province of Lugo in the Vuelta Ciclista a España, initiated the past 18 August with the support of the Secretaría Xeral para o Turismo of the Xunta de Galicia. Between them it stood out the wide reception of public, then, to fault of the two last stages, by the place that installed in the zone vip of the distinct exits traced by the north of the Peninsula happened more than 20.000 people, around an average of a thousand to the day. They served around 50.000 appetizers.
The gastronomy lucense continues visiting the country thanks to the place that the Apehl keeps in the zone vip of the exit of each stage of La Vuelta Ciclista a España. The numerous visitors that each day go through the stand coincide in elogiar the quality and the flavour of our products. Precisely, this good impression is the one who expect to cause morning in the stage lucense of La Vuelta, that will go out of Palas de Rei and in which there will be a lot of surprises.
23.08.2012. The place that keeps the Apehl in the Vuelta a España to give to know the gastronomy lucense has enjoyed of very good received in the six first stages of the career. Each day receives in the zone vip of the exit on a thousand of visitors that are testing autochthonous products like the San Simón da Costa and Marqués de Cernadas, the tuna of Burela, the chorizo of Porco Celta or the ecological Galletas Mariñeiras.
The president of the Asociación Provincial de Empresarios de Hostelería de Lugo (Apehl), Cheché Real, was Saturday in the start of theVuelta Ciclista a España, where has opened to the public of the zone vip the place of …E para comer, Lugo.